
COVID-19 Relief   

We have acted fast immediately after the announcement of Reporting of corona cases in India by creating awareness among the staff first and then they, in turn, started generating awareness to the target tribals, Female Sex workers and in general community by strictly following the COVID-19 preventive guidelines. 

After the announcement of   Lockdown in India, we have distributed ration kits twice to the People living with HIV in Rajahmundry city with the support of local donors and later on distributed 800 dry ration kits to the tribals in East Godavari District with the support of ANDHERI-TRUST.

HIV Prevention & HIV Tests

HIV Prevention & HIV Tests: We have created awareness among the Rural, tribal and specific target communities such as FSWs [Female Sex workers ],  TGs [ Trance Genders ] , MSMs [ Male Sex with Male  on health, HIV  and its prevention. We Create awareness through cluster level awareness camps as HIV is very much rampant in the District. We have conducted 14,400  HIV tests so far in the general community  in and around Rajahmundry city  and identify the HIV positive people and   link them to the ART centres in Government Hospital. Rajahmundry city.   We promote Behavioural Change communication, condom promotion, social mobilisation   among FSWs, TGs, MSMs, and also facilitate them to undergo HIV tests and link them to ART[ Anti-retroviral Therapy].


Health Awareness

We have  organised umpteen  number of health  awareness camps in East Godavari District  of Andhra Pradesh since 1994   on prevention of malaria, village cleanliness, HIV ,  personal & menstrual  hygiene ,  water & sanitation,  disadvantages of open defecation  to the tribals and the Rural Poor. We have conducted these awareness camps to the rural youth and the leaders of the SHGs who are the key players in the development of any village. These leaders in turn conducted village level meetings and shared whatever they leant in the health  awareness camps and mostly followed the precautionary measures that they learnt in the awareness camps  and saved themselves from many dread full diseases like HIV/AIDS,  malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, gastroenteritis  etc.

Preventive Fogging

Since Malaria is very much rampant in  tribal area called Devipatnam Mandal in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh  we have facilitated the community to spray  the   insecticide [Fogging]  to prevent malaria in the villages during the malaria seasons. This has given good results,  and the malaria cases are very much reduced during this malaria season

Nutrition Kits to HIV Children & Adults

We provide Nutrition kits to the HIV positive poor children and the adults in Rajahmundry city in Andhra Pradesh as they need to take nutritious food. They are on Anti retroviral therapy and along with the medication they need to take nutritious food. Since they are highly vulnerable poor people they cannot even take normal food. Most of these people are daily wage labourers. Hence we motivate the individual donors and through them we provide the nutrition kits contain dates, finger millets, wheat flour, peanuts, glucose, jaggery, green grams etc.


CBR (Community Based Rehabilitation) for Differently Abled Children

We started making basic interventions with highly vulnerable differently able children such as physically, mentally & visually challenged, hearing & speech   impaired children. Keeping the need of interventions in mind we have started with CBR in Andhra & Telangana areas. Under this we are creating awareness to parents, dissemination of information, through IEC  material, motivating parents , teachers and children and enrol in Anganwadies and schools, Imparting trainings on basic special care, orientation and mobility, daily living skills ,  providing appropriate aid appliances, assistive devices, , referral Services, cultural activities of CWD, Formation and strengthening of inclusive SHGs/DPO at village level and federation of DPO/SHG at project level, Preparing individual Livelihood Plans of the needy PWDs in consultation with each PWD and their family members, Celebration of important events like world Sight Day, Disabled Day etc for generating awareness.


Covid-19 Relief Work