Climate Change

We have got good clarity on climate change and its negative impact on the environment two decades back.  That is why we have started focussing on it. In 1995 itself with the support of the Forest Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh we have motivated the tribal community of Gangampalem village in Devipatnam Mandal in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh on the negative impact of climate change and on the advantages of community & social forestry. In 1995 January we approached Mr.Ramesh babu Forest Range officer Gokavaram range in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh and convinced him on the VSS [ Vana Samrakshana Samithis] acts as village Forest Protection committee,  then he sanctioned VSS in  1000  hectares of unreserve forest for Joint Forest Management programme in Devipatnam Mandal in East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh for development and gave the  Programme to the tribals of Gangampalem village in Devipatnam Mandal under our monitoring and motivation. We successfully motivated the tribals, which resulted in the protection, afforestation and development of degraded forestland. It was a very successful beginning and based on the success of this initial project the forest department enhanced it to 2000 hectares in 1996. The forest is wonderfully developed by the tribals with the inputs given by the Forest Department. As a result of its huge green patch was developed resulting in the development of” carbon sequester green zone’. Since then our journey has been continuing in developing such similar “ Carbon sequester Green Zones“  with the support of Government, national and international support organisations in the area of the community forest, social forest and agro-forest.

Based on the interest in Climate change and its impacts, we have developed carbon sequester Green Zones” on one side and on the other side we started creating awareness among the other NGO’s and to the General community on climate change.

The chief functionary of Creators NGO Mr.Chandra Sekhar with his rich experience in the development sector has been conducting a number of trainings on climate change issues.